What's New
Fireplace 6 (Sample Pack)
Ominous (Sample Pack)
Jewel Hues 3 (Sample Pack)
Featured Packs
Tips & Tutorials
The Man & Story Behind Our Most Ambitious Sample Pack
Yons talks about the inspiration & process behind how he created Chromatic Label 001.
Top 5 Creative Delay Plugins For Production & Sound Design!
MsInstrumental talks about our favorite delay plugins for production and sound design!
We Scored a Sample With CineBrass, Then FLIPPED IT!
J. Pelham & pat junior do a full review & demo of Cinebrass.
Our Top 5 Favorite Creative Piano Plugins!
MsInstrumental breaks down our 5 favorite creative pianos for production and making samples!
News | Sample Now, Pay Later!
We Teamed Up With Klarna! Get the samples you need now and pay for them later 👌🏾